Monday, June 4, 2012

Smooth Sailing

Everything seems to be going well.

My dwarves have dug out a little home and have got everything packed away, and have gotten rid of all the small animal carcasses that the cats have been happily dragging in. Consequently these cats are now penned up outside, lest they rot out their owners stockpiles of food with maggoty magpies.

My woodcutter is woodcutting my miners are mining and everything seems to moving along. I've even got a little underground farm.

I was a little concerned at one point when a large pack of badgers were wandering around outside. But they seemed to be more interested in wandering than anything else, I hoped they weren't dangerous but moved my dwarves inside until they were gone, just in case.

Starting Out

After some gentle encouragement from Izak, I'm going to actually give this game a fair go. I've tried blundering my way into it twice before and I akin the experience to "beating your head against a wall to figure out why the front door is open".

I met the ASCII riddled landscape with numerous cries of "WTF am I dooooooing!?" followed closely by "How the hell do I quit this nightmare game?".

Nevertheless, I am determined to actually properly play this game before I abandon all hope of ever getting into it. Hearing the stories that I've been told about Dwarf Fortress makes it extremely difficult to discount as a game not worth my time. So I decided to start this account of my experience in the hopes of proving to myself that it is worth playing if only for the wealth of tales that can be gathered while watching your dwarves spiral into oblivion.

As the game does not put much effort into explaining what you're supposed to be doing (it basically throws you in and waits until you get brutally destroyed by goblins or dragons or werepandas or your dwarfs die of starvation or thirst or cold etc..), it is imperative to use the wiki start guide (or so I've been told).

So, after going through the first baby steps of creating a world and picking a site to send my little dwarven subjects, I am ready to dive into the crazy complex world that is Dwarf Fortress.